Thursday, August 25, 2016

Big Changes


I did it!! After 9 years of teaching elementary school (4th and 5th grade), I made a GIANT leap to the middle school this year. It was a scary yet exciting change for me,and I second guessed my decision every day since I accepted my new position.

This is our second week of school, and while I am exhausted, I feel like I can safely say that I made the right move! I am enjoying the science curriculum along with the fun and exploration that it brings to the classroom. I feel that I'm a much better teacher because my focus has been narrowed down to one subject. No longer am I trying to master 6 different subjects. I am now able to spend all my time and energy creating engaging science lessons for my students. I was also surprised to find out that the 47 minutes periods make the day fly by. But most of all I love having all of my former students one more time! Here is a little bit of what we have been up to so far.

On the first day of school, we challenged the way we think and view the world, and decided that it's much more fun to think outside the box. This lesson by my friend, +Laura Gilchrist, is amazing! You literally stand back and watch the light bulbs go off as their thinking is challenged. If you do not follow her on twitter, you are missing out!

The students also became architects for a day, and built towers out of one sheet of paper and 12 inches of masking tape. Our tallest tower was 68 cm! Here is the lesson for the tower building challenge.

Another thing we've been working on is creating and learning to use our digital interactive notebooks (using OneNote). As with any new digital endeavor, we've had our setbacks during the first 2 weeks, but we are up and running and the students are becoming more comfortable with using their digital notebooks every day. I will write more about that at a later time.

I'm excited to see what else this year brings. I'm loving getting out of my own comfort zone and challenging myself. What is one new thing you are doing in your classroom this year?

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  • Big ChangesI did it!! After 9 years of teaching elementary school (4th and 5th grade), I made a GIANT leap to the middle school this year. It was a scary yet ex… Read More


Grammy's Klassy Temptations said...

Very exciting Jennifer. You will have a successful year with the students. Plus, they will remember what they learned. I had a English teacher in 7th grade like what you are doing. I retained what I learned plus I loved how I was learning so I didn't mind doing homework.

Grammy's Klassy Temptations said...

Very exciting Jennifer. You will have a successful year with the students. Plus, they will remember what they learned. I had a English teacher in 7th grade like what you are doing. I retained what I learned plus I loved how I was learning so I didn't mind doing homework.